Guests warm up for the Rio Olympics with Bromleys

Image of Bromleys Building

An Olympic-themed networking event for child care professionals raised more than £200 for Bromleys’ chosen charity of the year, the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

The event, at Artisan Kitchen & Bar in Spinningfields, Manchester, is held annually by Bromleys for professionals from across a range of disciplines and senior members of the judiciary who are all involved in child care matters.

Those joining Bromleys for drinks and canapés included solicitors, barristers, barristers’ clerks and representatives from the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, local authorities and the courts.

Guests took part in a Rio 2016 Olympics sweepstake – the winner will be the person who picked out the country that wins the most gold medals.

There was also a raffle, with prizes donated by a variety of Greater Manchester businesses.

Our thanks go to 9 St John Street Chambers, Artisan, Boots, Deans Court Chambers, Mary Howarth Beauty Culture, Darryl Bates Hair Salon, The Manchester Florist and Thorntons for donating prizes.

Bromleys’ specialist Care Proceedings and social Services team advises on all matters involving children, including residence and contact disputes, care proceedings and special guardianship.

Olivia Bell, a senior solicitor in the team, said: “Our annual event was another huge success which was well-attended and enjoyed by everyone.

“The feedback was extremely positive and, as well as providing a welcome networking opportunity, it also raised funds for a very worthy cause.

“We are also grateful to all of the local businesses which supported the initiative by donating raffle prizes.”