Domestic Abuse Helpline

0161 331 3887

We have set up a dedicated Domestic Abuse helpline and we are here for you if you need us. Please do not suffer in silence.

Although we are open for deliveries only, we are well equipped to conduct remote or telephone consultations. You can contact us on the dedicated helpline 0161 331 3887 or by calling our main switchboard on 0161 330 6821. You can also email us at or by visiting our Live Chat facility on our website at

If you need us after hours, please do not hesitate in calling our emergency number on 07785 531221

We are able to take on any emergency cases, to include granting emergency legal aid and attending urgent hearings at short notice (whether in person, telephone or through a video hearing) for domestic abuse and/or children cases.

Call 0161 331 3887 for help.