Don’t wait for the Probate Surge – Probate Applications have fallen by 50% since lockdown

Wills and Probate Team

The latest information from the Law Society has highlighted that applications to the probate court since lockdown have fallen by 50% because solicitors have been unable to access their offices to collect wills.

Thankfully, and in line with Bromleys ‘ACE’ Core Values – Accessible, Caring and Effective – it’s certainly been business as usual for our clients.

Our probate team has maintained a continued presence in the office throughout the lockdown providing clients with valuable advice and assistance following the death of a loved one.

Although the probate court has seen a decline in applications, we have seen an increase in people requesting Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). One of the main questions we have been asked is can a Will or an LPA be properly signed/executed during this time? The simple answer is yes. Here’s a link to a recent article we published about the signing process but if you do have any questions, then we are only a telephone call away.

How to contact us

We are of course observing the social distancing rules with most of our staff working from home and although we are not conducting any face-to-face meetings at present, you can contact our dedicated Wills & Probate helpline on 0161 694 4147 and should you need us out of hours, please do contact our emergency helpline on 07785 531221.

As ever, you can email us at or use our online Live Chat facility.

We are also able to offer video conferencing/Skype and Zoom meetings. Simply call our reception team on 0161 330 6821 so that we can arrange this for you.