Bromleys Update: Guest Feature – Experience is the best way to learn



Using your values as a compass and learning from others are two of the most important key elements in business. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel – it has all been done before in some shape or form.

In the world of business today, there is a constant misinterpretation of the use of the word ‘entrepreneur.’ People believe the reason they enter into the world of self-employment or in Partnership is right for them, but the acid test is taking action to do it. Experience is the best way to learn a skill or develop your career in business. Starting as an employee working in a structured environment and listening to those with more experience and knowledge is priceless and ‘free.’

Being paid a salary and attaining industry qualification can be a very rewarding way to “live and learn” especially when you start off on life’s path aiming to becoming self-reliant and independent. Through achieving the standard of living you want for your financial rewards will most definitely govern your thoughts and expectations in life.

A regular wage packet and regular holidays and an attractive contract of employment which many people choose is right for them and a most importantly a learning curve for those who think they know best and need a different work life style balance.

So remember before you leap into the world of self-employment and entrepreneurship get qualified in the industry you wish to operate in, know you competitors and don’t beat yourself up if at first you don’t get matters quite right. We truly believe “Thoughts become Things”

This blog was produced by Tony Moran, Co-Director of The Business Executive Club who meet every month at Denton Golf Club. Their ethos is Excellence through Experience. If you would like to find out more or attend one of the network lunches visit

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