New data from the Ministry of Justice has revealed that there has been a decline in divorces towards the end of 2023. There were 110,770 applications for a divorce filed, including dissolution of civil partnerships, and 103,501 final divorce orders granted throughout 2023, down 9% and up 29% respectively compared to 2022.
After the introduction of the “no-fault” divorce regime in 2022 there were predictions in the industry that divorce applications would increase. However, the headline stats show that there was an apparent decrease in the amount of divorces.
The ONS figures are based upon the number of divorces finalised in a period, rather than the number applied for. In practice, many couples delay making the application for the final divorce order until they have reached a financial settlement. As a result, there were very few divorces applied for under the new system in the 2022 calendar year.
Keith Bull, Head of the Divorce and Finance Team at Bromleys, stated: “What is of concern is that the figures issued indicate that not all couples who are divorcing obtain a financial court order, based on the figures that show 39,000 financial remedy applications were complete, which is a decrease of 19% from the previous year.”
Keith says: “When a couple decide to divorce it is imperative that they take expert legal advice in relation to financial claims and ensure that a financial court order is obtained setting out the terms of a settlement, to prevent any further claims during joint lives or upon death. If they do not protect themselves with such a court order they leave themselves open to further claims in the future, which can have a devastating impact upon them.”
If you require any advice or assistance please contact Keith Bull and his team at Bromleys on 0161 330 6821 for an initial consultation.