Divorce and separation can be a stressful and traumatic time for all parties, particularly at this time of year. Having the right team of experts by your side can make a real difference to your situation.
At Bromleys you’ll find a sympathetic approach to the break-up of your relationship or marriage and we will guide you through the process.
Our experts can help you take the difficult step of starting divorce proceedings or advise you when your spouse has issued proceedings against you already.
We can advise you on all aspects of the divorce procedure, obtaining a Decree Absolute, and deal with all financial aspects, including what is to happen to the matrimonial home, children and family finances.
Bromleys’ Keith Bull who heads up the Family & Divorce team, is accredited by Resolution as a Family Law Specialist and Collaborative Law solicitor.
Resolution is an organisation of family lawyers and other professionals who are committed to constructive, non-confrontational ways to resolve divorce, separation and other family-related legal issues.
With over 28 years of experience, Keith specialises in cases involving divorce, children, domestic abuse, cohabitation disputes and complex financial and property matters which often include business owners and their spouses.
Should you need any advice in relation to divorce or relationship breakdown, or any matters arising from those, please do not hesitate to contact our expert family team on 0161 330 6821 or email:
Keith Bull – kbull@bromleys.co.uk
Denise Pinder – dpinder@bromleys.co.uk
Kristie Fawcett – kfawcett@bromleys.co.uk
Alternatively, you are welcome to attend any of our free legal surgeries. Please click here for dates and times – No appointment necessary.