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Funding Your Work

Wills & Trusts

Making a will gives a person control over the destination of their belongings on death and sets out other matters that will assist the administration of their estate.

Our fees are tailored to the individual needs and requirements but as a guide, our fees start from:

Standard single Will – £215 plus VAT

Standard mirror Wills (for two) – £375.00 plus VAT

Single Property Trust Will –£400.00 plus VAT

Mirror Property Trust Wills – (for two) £650.00 plus VAT

Single Complex Trust Will – £600.00 plus VAT

Mirror Complex Trust Wills – (for two) – £850.00 plus VAT

Severance of Joint Tenancy – £75.00 plus VAT and disbursements

Letter of Wishes – £75 + VAT

If your instructions for a Will are more complex and do not fall into one of the above fixed fees, our charges will be calculated mainly by reference to the time actually spent by solicitors or other staff in respect of work which they do on your behalf. The hourly rate dependant of the fee earner.  An estimate of our fees will be given at the initial meeting when taking your instructions.

In addition, our fixed fee costs include the registration of your Will with the Certainty National Will Register.

Any advice relating to Inheritance Tax Planning is charged at the hourly rate dependant of the fee earner.  Our charges will be calculated mainly by reference to the time actually spent by solicitors or other staff in respect of work which they do on your behalf. An estimate of our fees will be given at the initial meeting when taking your instructions.

We will aim to provide you with a draft will within 5 working days of receiving your signed client care letter and, subject to your availability to arrange signature and completion of the formalities, there is no reason why all of the work in respect of your will cannot be concluded within 10 or 15 working days.

 Powers of Attorney

Mental and physical incapacity can happen at any time due to accident or illness. These powers give another individual the legal authority to look after specific aspects of your affairs should you become unable to do so.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) including registration:-

One LPA for Property and Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare – £400.00 plus VAT

Two LPAs for Property and Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare – £650.00 plus VAT

Four LPAs including Property and Financial and Health and Welfare – £950.00 plus VAT

One Business LPA – Starting from £500 plus VAT. A quote will be given at the outset depending on the complexity of the business and its needs. Work will be charged at a hourly rate.

Please note a Court registration is also payable at £82.00 per document. If you are entitled to income or benefits, where appropriate, we can make an application to remit or reduce the Court fee and this is included in the fees quote.

If further work needs to be done on the matter for example, obtaining a medical report to confirm capacity, the work involved will be in addition to the fixed fee and charged at the hourly rate of the fee earner dealing with the matter. There will also be a charge for the report itself. Similarly if there are any disputes relating to the Powers of Attorney, work will be charged in the same manner.

We will aim to provide you with a draft Lasting Powers of Attorney within 5 working days of receiving your signed client care letter and, subject to your availability to arrange signature and completion of the formalities, there is no reason why all of the work in respect of your documents cannot be concluded within 10 or 15 working days.


When instructed to deal with an estate, you can instruct us to deal with the application for the Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration only or the full administration of estate from start to finish.

Obtaining a Grant of Representation only – Applications limited to the extraction of a Grant will be charged at the hourly rate of the fee earner dealing with the matter. Where the Estate is not subject to inheritance Tax our charges will be capped at a maximum of £1250 plus VAT and disbursements. For Estates where Inheritance Tax is payable our charges will be caped at a maximum of £1750 plus VAT and disbursements. These charges include completing the appropriate application using the information supplied by you, applying for the Grant (payment of tax, if necessary) and reporting back to you once received. If the time spent working on the matter is less than the capped figure, we of course only charge for the time spent working on the matter.

Full Estate Administration – as a guide, an average simple estate administration starts from £3,500.00 plus VAT. An indication of costs will be supplied to you at the outset, bearing in mind the simplicity or complexity of the estate and whether Inheritance Tax is applicable. All work done on the matter is charged at the hourly rate of the fee earner dealing with the estate.

Disbursements when applying for Probate may include:

  • Grant of Probate Fee of £273 plus £1.50 per copy document
  • Land Registry Searches on Properties – £3.00 per search
  • Bankruptcy Searches on beneficiaries – £2.00 per search
  • S.27 Trustee Act Notices starting from £175, if appropriate

The Administration of an Estate can take anywhere from 3 months to 3 years to complete depending on the complexity of the estate from receiving your instructions to finalisation of the Estate and final distribution.

Deeds of Variations

Deeds of Variations start from £300.00 plus VAT and the price will depend on the complexity of the matter. Our charges will be calculated mainly by reference to the time actually spent by solicitors or other staff in respect of work which they do on your behalf. Other Deed options are available, please click here for further information.

We will aim to provide you with a draft documents within 5 working days of receiving your signed client care letter and, subject to your availability to arrange signature and completion of the formalities, there is no reason why all of the work in respect of your documents cannot be concluded within 10 or 15 working days.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact our Wills, Probate & Planning for the Future team on 0161 330 6821.

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