When Children’s Services are worried about the welfare of a child where they are considering starting court proceedings they are likely to start a pre-proceedings process known as the Public Law Outline (PLO). The parents and all other people who have parental responsibility will be invited to attend a meeting with the Social Worker along with a solicitor.
You will be notified of this meeting in writing from Children’s Services. This is called a “pre-proceedings letter” and will set out the following:
- The concerns that the Local Authority has about your child(ren).
- What the Local Authority expects you to do and a timeframe in which to do it in.
- Whether the Local Authority will want you to engage in any assessments such as parenting assessment, psychological assessment, drug and alcohol testing.
- Information about assessments being completed of friends or family members to see if they can care for your child(ren) in the event that decisions are made that they cannot remain in your care.
- Information about how to obtain legal advice.
Bromleys have a large team of expertly trained solicitors who can assist and attend these meetings with you with a view to prevent the concerns from the Local Authority escalating and care proceedings being issued.
Should Children’s Service start pre-proceedings and send a pre-proceedings letter, you will be automatically eligible for Legal Aid If you receive a pre-proceedings letter please urgently contact the Charlotte Ellingham by email cellingham@bromleys.co.uk or 0161 694 4144