Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) is running a national campaign to raise awareness about planning for later life.
In a study it found that 96% of people in the North west had made no provision for themselves in the event that they should lose mental capacity. The study also found that a further 40% had made no provision whatsoever for later life , having no will, pension, funeral plan or Lasting Power of Attorney.
Somewhat shockingly, 67% of people in the North West are of the belief that their next of kin can make decision on their behalf over healthcare treatment if they were not able to make those decisions for themselves and 66% believe that their spouse would have the power to do so which is incorrect.
In the North west 73% of people would wish for a family member to make decisions about their medical and care treatment if they were to lose mental capacity, but this does not happen automatically. The only way to guarantee that the people you want making those decisions can do so is to have a registered Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney in place.
At present there are 12.8 million people over the age of 65 who run the risk of developing dementia and only 928,000 registered Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney, this is a difference of nearly 93% showing the shocking number of people ill-prepared for what may come.
In the North West only 4% of the people surveyed by SFE have a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney in place which is below the 7% national average.
It is crucial that people plan ahead for their future, ensuring that they have Lasting Powers of Attorney in place to allow the important decisions to be made by the people they trust.
How we can help
Contact Laura Stansfield, Sue Darlington or Susanne Furness in our Wills, Probate & Planning for the Future department to discuss how one of our team of experts can help guide you through this process.
lstansfield@bromleys.co.uk; sdarlington@bromleys.co.uk sfurness@bromleys.co.uk
Tel: 0161 330 6821
Alternatively, you are welcome to attend any of our free legal surgeries. Please click here for dates and times – No appointment necessary.
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