Lockdown Diaries – by Paul Westwell

Lockdown Diaries – article featured in the April Edition of  The Messenger 

What has been the biggest challenge working from home? During Lockdowns 2.0 and 3.0, the biggest challenge has been continued supervision of the team and wider practice in what have been exceptionally busy times. With the pre-Budget transaction rush, I am immensely proud of how the team stood up to the challenges of hybrid working within the department.

If you have children and pets have you coped? Unfortunately the balance has been impossible during the recent lockdown and, whilst intending to take holidays during the last quarter, this has not been possible, but with an immensely supportive family we have made it through. We are currently holding off the continued requests for chickens, but I am not sure for how much longer this will continue…..

Positive aspects of lockdown? The continued adoption of new technologies across the practice and wider industry is fascinating. We are continually monitoring our paper usage and associated CO2 production. It would appear that, even with hybrid working, the Microsoft Teams app for messages is here to stay. The other noticeable positive aspect of lockdown has been the increased uptake of outdoor physical activity and sport, even if this does come at the cost of upset farmers who are now seeking to restrict access across their land. No doubt, when things return to some semblance of normality, landowners will understandably be more willing to share their land with those who respect it.

If you could spend lockdown with who would it be? On bending the rules on two fronts, it would be my two brothers. I believe that an opportunity to come together in lockdown would take us back to our younger years, perhaps with disastrous outcomes, but there would be a lot of laughter and productivity from a practical building? Is this correct? perspective, with no doubt some injuries along the way. My eldest brother still owes me one for breaking his leg that time when we were surfing……