Mental Health Awareness Week

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This week (Monday 10 May to Sunday 16 May 2021) is Mental Health Awareness Week. During this pandemic, millions of us have experienced a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle, and perhaps haven’t been aware of the support available or how we can help ourselves and our loved ones.

Following research into the role nature can play in protecting and supporting our mental health, the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is ‘Connecting with Nature’, with the Mental Health Foundation providing some top tips as to how we can build our own connections with nature:

  1. Find nature wherever you are
  2. Connect with nature using all your senses
  3. Get out into nature
  4. Bring nature to you
  5. Exercise in nature
  6. Combine nature with creativity
  7. Protect nature

Mind are also encouraging us to #FightForMH – fighting for change, for fairness, for respect and for life-changing support.

Whilst Mind is a national charity there are also around 120 local Minds across England and Wales, one of which is our local Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind, which has been delivering mental health services for over 40 years. The mission of Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind is ‘to continue to provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention, and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well’.

Mind is based at 216-218 Katherine Street in Ashton and at 19-25 Union Street in Oldham. Both provide a number of services, including counselling, listening spaces, wellbeing sessions and a Family Support Service and can be contacted on 0161 330 9223.

The Samaritans also provide a confidential helpline – dial 116 123 – and Self Help offers a wide range of support, services and opportunities for those living with mental health difficulties. Their number is 0300 003 7029. However, if there is an immediate risk of serious harm or injury you should call the emergency services by dialling 999.

Mental Health Awareness should be 24/7, 365 days a year. Let’s start now and keep the conversation flowing.