In an attempt to combat property fraud, HM Land Registry (HMLR) has set up a free Property Alert service which helps people detect fraudulent activity on their properties.
The aim of the scheme is to act as an early warning system by sending email alerts to those who have registered their properties.
The free online registration is simple and takes only a couple of minutes to complete.
Up to 10 properties registered in England and Wales can be monitored from one email address.
The alerts will flag up any changes made to the register with the most common type of property fraud being when a home is sold or mortgaged by someone stealing the real owner’s identity.
HMLR’s director of legal services, Alasdair Lewis said the following regarding the service:
“The Land Registry is doing all it can to detect and prevent fraud but no system can be 100% fraud-proof, which is why we urge people to follow our advice about protecting themselves from property fraud, including signing up for Property Alert.’
To register for free, please visit Land Registry’s Property Alert.
How we can help
Should you need expert legal advice regarding any of the above or indeed any other property law matters, please contact Paul Westwell at pwestwell@bromleys.co.uk or telephone 0161 330 6821.
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