Posts Tagged with "Children Matters"
18 July
What is a deprivation of liberty order?
ButtonIn this article Hannah Williams, Solicitor, looks at what...
1 July
What is an SGO (Special Guardianship Order)?
ButtonWithin public law proceedings there are various different Order’s...
30 May
If you have received a pre-proceedings letter, what should you do?
ButtonWhen Children’s Services are worried about the welfare of...
22 April
The Local Authority wants to share Parental Responsibility – what does this mean?
ButtonThe Local Authority wants to share Parental Responsibility –...
4 May
What is a Fabricated or Induced Illness?
ButtonWhat is fabricated or induced illness? (FII) FII cases...
27 April
Intervenors in Care Proceedings
ButtonUsually in care proceedings, a limited number of people...