Francesca Rigby, Head of Private Client and Court of Protection, looks at the top five reasons why you should make a will:
- You can decide who will receive your property on your death. If you die without a Will you will have given up the right to decide who inherits your property and the intestacy rules will apply and your assets may revert to the state.
- You can decide who administers your estate. The person you pick is called an Executor and this can be a family member, friend or even a professional Executor such as your Solicitor.
- You can nominate a Guardian for your child or children.
- You can specify any funeral wishes that you might have.
- A Will can protect your estate against care home charges and also Inheritance Tax.
How we can help
To find out how we can prepare your Will to protect your wishes, please contact our team on our dedicated Wills, Probate and Planning for the Future helpline on 0161 694 4142 for your free initial telephone discussion. If you prefer, you can fill in our online form or alternatively, you can email us on bromleys@bromleys.co.uk and we’ll call you back.