Social Services have seen a recent influx in cases of parents collecting a child for contact, then refusing to return the child to the other parent. During this distressing time, parents can often struggle to find support from services such as the police and children’s services, who are generally unable to assist if the other parent holds parental responsibility of the child.
Family Law Solicitors can help parents who find themselves in this emotional and difficult situation and can assist you in returning the child back to your care.
How Bromleys Can Help
If the other parent refuses to return your child, there are different steps that we can take in order to assist in getting your child back to you.
Our Family Team can engage with formal discussions with the other parent to understand why they have acted in this manner and can negotiate an agreement for the child to be returned.
If the other parent is unwilling or unable to agree that the child be returned, we can then send a warning letter to the other parent to warn them that if they do not return the child, we will advise you to issue court proceedings.
If this does not persuade the parent to come to an agreement, we can then advise you on obtaining an appropriate Court Order.
Specific Issue Order
An Order can be made by the Court to determine a ‘specific issue’. In this case, the specific issue would be to return the child to your care as soon as possible.
Prohibited Steps Order
An Order can also be made to stop the other parent from removing the child from your care. This will prevent the parent from doing this again and ensure you feel safe when your child has contact with the other parent again.
Child Arrangements Order(s)
If this is not the only incident or concern you have had regarding the other parent having contact with the child, you may benefit from a Child Arrangements Order. These Orders can determine who a child lives with, who they spend time with, and how often they spend time with each parent.
Why choose Bromleys?
Our team of family solicitors will assess all angles of your case to determine what course of action will lead to the most positive outcome for all parties.
We can support you with a vast range of family law issues including arrangements for children, divorce and separation, domestic abuse, name changes and Social Services involvement with your family. We understanding that involving a solicitor in your personal family affairs may sometimes feel like a difficult thing to do, but our confidential, sensitive, and un-biased approach will allow you to feel fully supported, no matter your situation.
You can call us on 0161 330 6821 or make an enquiry directly with our Family and Divorce Team by emailing Hannah Bunyan at hbunyan@bromleys.co.uk